It is an unprecedented time for the world with the COVID-19 outbreak. Adjustments to our operation had to be made quickly as the virus began to spiral in New York, where our headquarters is located. All in-office staff were sent home with fully secured computers, our field QC team members were cut back to day trips, and our vendors were given the option to work, as the safety of our Innovative network is our number on priority. Daily video meetings with our staff and weekly calls with our vendors has allowed us to continue operations with very little interruption. Going from an open air office to a small desk at home with children, pets, spouses and communicating strictly over messaging apps and phones is no easy feat, yet our staff has adapted tremendously well. Our vendors have followed state orders calling for social distancing and are in full force protecting, securing, and maintaining the assets in which we service for both our Clients and the neighborhoods. I have always known we had an incredible network of office staff and vendors, but these challenges have proven we have a solid, loyal, exceptionally hardworking team capable of tackling whatever is thrown our way.